Zombies In My Neighborhood

Your peaceful quiet neighborhood has been turned upside down in the zombie apocalypse. Take arms and re-claim your neighborhood. Battle through waves of zombies. Search the streets and loot houses for scraps and money to use on weapons and upgrades. Your neighbors are dead, they won’t mind. Be careful with every step. The thick fog-like smoke seizing the air will make it hard to see. You never know what will be lurking just around the corner.

So Many Guns

Choose from a wide variety of guns to survive. Shotguns, pistols, assault rifles. Collect scrap and purchase weapons of your choice to mercilessly carve a path among the sea of zombies before you. The game is designed with an intricate recoil system to simulate realistic weapon recoil and handling. You will feel the power of the weapons you weild. Good luck!

Relentless Zombies

The horde never. Lets. Up. Tirelessly fight through waves of zombies that continue to grow as the game goes on. Be careful crossing the barricade over into the danger zone. The zombies know where you are at all times, and there is only one thing on their corrupted minds; to eat your brains. A little piece of advice. Stock up on grenades in the event that you find yourself getting cornered at any point out in the danger zone and need to blast your way out.

Defense Weapons

Need a little bit of assistance? Understandable. Purchase defense weapons to help in your survival. An automatic turret, sniper tower, and flamethrower that activates when zombies are within range can help carry the battle. Although expensive, they just might be your best investment since that time you dumped a bunch of money into Bitcoin. The return on investment? The continuation of your life; hopefully.